west caucasian tur造句
- The West Caucasian tur appears to be more closely related to the wild goat than to the East Caucasian tur.
- It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the West Caucasian tur, and sometimes as a full species in its own right.
- North of the town there is an important wildlife and nature preserve, the Zaqatala Nature Reserve, which is home to brown bears, boars and West Caucasian Tur.
- The western edge of the range of the East Caucasian tur remains unclear, as it overlaps with that of West Caucasian tur ( " Capra caucasica " ).
- The "'West Caucasian tur "'( " Capra caucasica " syn " Capra caucasica caucasica " ) is a mountain-dwelling goat-antelope found only in the western half of the Caucasus Mountains range.
- The 200-pound ( 90-kilogram ) goat, a west Caucasian tur, attacked the woman with its horns as she cleaned its pen out of sight of park visitors, said Paul Garcia, a spokesman for the Zoological Society of San Diego, which operates the animal preserve.
- The park was created to have a dual purpose of serving as an ecological refuge-it has very high levels of biodiversity and vulnerable species, such as the near-endangered West Caucasian Tur and also an area of high cultural heritage and potential for recreational tourism.
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